Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Night brings Peace

I am sitting on the roof watching the clouds roll in and erasing what is left of the day sky and the stars that have come out. in the distances I can see the red glow of lights from the city. I can feel the wind on my face and running through my hair. I hear the frogs and crickets singing their song....aww the sweet sounds of summer. The air tonight is cool and it swirls around me and I feel at peace. When I was younger I lived by the interstate. It was so loud day and night, you could barely hear your own thoughts because of semi's blowing tires and people honking. As I sit on the roof of our home now....I can hear everything but the blowing of tires and honking horns. I hear wind chimes chiming their song in the night air....I hear and see the most beautiful part of earth our Lord created for us to enjoy. As I watch the clouds roll in, I wait in anticipation of the rain that will follow these dark black clouds. I can't wait to hear the soft tapping of the small water droplets on the metal roof. This would bring me peace. My mind is running and reeling with thoughts of things to come, things that have happened, and just thoughts of special people in my life, and my future. I am at peace when I can sit on the roof and watch the day fade as the night comes in. How i love to be out here and listen to the music being made mby the wind and animals and to hear no thoughts just the simple tapping of the keys of my computer waiting to see what they have to say next. I love feeling the wind on my brings peace to my soul and heart...not a care in the world. I sit here and watch the stars peak through the clouds and I wish upon them for things to happen. It may sound childish but it can bring peace to your heart about matters of the heart and mind. It gives you hope that these things could happen. The stars gives us hope which brings faith that it will happen, in turn brings love...the thing we all long to happen. The stars make me feel, when I wish on them, that they have the answer I am looking for. Our God created the stars for us and I believe he was hoping the stars would give us the hope and belief that anything can happen no matter what, we just need a little faith.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing on stars isn't childish, sis. I look at them every night and wish too. And sometimes I look at them and wonder if whoever is on my mind is looking at them and thinking of me, right at that very moment. I think God created stars for us to make wishes, and like you said, have hope. ^_^ Love you!!
